Compensation For People Harmed In Motor Vehicle Accidents

The Law Offices of John S. Eliasik provides aggressive advocacy in cases involving all types of motor vehicle accidents. We are not simple claims handlers who seek to settle cases as quickly as possible. We are real trial attorneys who do not hesitate going to court to protect our clients’ rights and maximize the compensation they receive.

If you have been injured or a loved one has died in an accident, we are here to help. Call us today for a free consultation.

A Lawyer Who Fights For Accident Victims

As an insurance company defense lawyer, John S. Eliasik learned first-hand the techniques insurers use to defeat accident claims and minimize the compensation they pay. He now uses that knowledge and his advocacy skills to help victims of car accidents, truck accidents and motorcycle accidents throughout the Chicago area get the compensation they deserve.

When our firm represents you, we will:

  • Carefully investigate the accident to determine its cause
  • Assign liability to the party or parties responsible for the accident
  • Identify all possible sources of insurance compensation
  • Learn about your medical needs
  • Make a full accounting of your economic and noneconomic losses for inclusion in your claim

Our goal will be to help you obtain the financial resources to pay for needed medical care and rehabilitation services, plus maximum compensation for all other losses.

We Will Be Your Strong Advocate

We have extensive experience in complex car and truck accident cases in Illinois. When it can aid the legal effort, we ask experts in various disciplines to join our team, such as accident reconstruction specialists, engineers, life care planners and economists. These professionals can provide valuable insights, and if necessary, compelling testimony at trial.

In your case, we will work diligently to obtain the best possible settlement or jury award for you.

Contact Us For A Free Case Evaluation

To schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced accident injury attorneys, contact our law firm.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

We represent people throughout Cook County, Chicagoland and elsewhere in Illinois. Call us at 312-981-0408 or send an email to discuss your case in a free, no-obligation case evaluation. If you cannot travel to us, we will gladly come to you.