Pit bull attack at Illinois vet leads to fines

A pit bull attacked two workers at a local vet’s office in Illinois, resulting in photos of the office that surfaced, showing blood all over the room, including on the walls and the floor. Both of the techs who were assaulted survived the attack, but one of them suffered bites to the face, and the other one suffered bites on both the right and the left arm.

The dog does not have a history of violence. It had been given testing to determine its temperament, something that is done with dogs to determine if they are likely to be violent, and it had passed easily. The dog was being cared for by a foster care worker, who said that this was the first time she had witnessed any aggressive action on the pit bull’s part.

Furthermore, when the case went to court, the judge did find that she usually kept the animal in a controlled area, not allowing it to run free in the neighborhood. Because of this and the dog’s history, she was only fined $250 for the incident. The maximum amount that she could have been fined was $750.

The case was very strange to the dog’s owners because he had been to the vet in the past; this was not his first experience with the workers, and they had played with him before, getting along very well.

Whenever someone suffers dog bite injuries that involve an animal that is owned by someone else, they do have a right to seek medical compensation payments. They deserve to be taken care of in this way because they should not have to pay expensive bills that could have been the fault of the dog’s owners.

Source: The Chicago Tribune, “Pit bull owner fined over vet attack” Gregory Pratt, Apr. 07, 2014

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