Workers’ Compensation for COVID-19 Exposure

First responders and front-line workers who have contracted Coronavirus are entitled to immediate workers’ compensation benefits.

If you are NOT a first responder or front-line worker BUT contracted Coronavirus because of your job, you may still be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.

Workers’ compensation benefits include:

  • Paid time off
  • Paid medical bills
  • Compensation for the illness

Contact us today to get the process started IMMEDIATELY!

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The Law Offices of John S. Eliasik
67 East Madison Street
Suite 1919
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-981-0408
Toll Free: 800-582-2119
Fax: 866-411-3877
Map and Directions

Office Location

67 East Madison Street Suite 1919 Chicago, IL 60601




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Contact Us For A Free Consultation

We represent people throughout Cook County, Chicagoland and elsewhere in Illinois. Call us at 312-981-0408 or send an email to discuss your case in a free, no-obligation case evaluation. If you cannot travel to us, we will gladly come to you.