The owner of an Australian Shepherd in another state has been charged in connection with a dog bite incident. The dog allegedly bit an 8-year-old girl as she got off the school bus.
The woman who owns the dog faces several charges, including harboring a dangerous dog, a dog license violation and confinement of dogs. The dog bite involving the child occurred earlier in May. The dog reportedly ran away after the attack.
The owner admitted that her dog, Kaleesi, got loose while on a leash and “nipped” at a child. However, she maintains that the dog is tame and trained. She said she hasn’t gotten the citations yet, but that if she is found guilty, she may move out of the state.
The child’s father said that it was a “pretty decent bite.” He sought medical attention for his daughter. It was not reported exactly where the girl was bitten or how she is currently doing. It is also unknown if the dog was current on its shots.
Dog bites can be serious or even fatal. Many times, a victim will blame the dog for the attack instead of the owner for not controlling the dog. Children are especially susceptible to dog bite injuries, as the animal may not be comfortable with a child’s actions or with a child getting too close.
Those injured by dog bites have a right to seek compensation for their injuries and expenses. Civil claims might include those for pain and suffering, medical expenses, scars and disfigurement, emotional trauma and other damages. An experienced Illinois personal injury attorney can provide guidance and advice on how to proceed with such a case.
Source:, “Police charge owner after dog bit child” Dan Carrigan, May. 29, 2014