On June 2, the Ogle County state’s attorney announced that the owner of three pit bulls involved in an incident that occurred in April will not face any criminal charges. A 63-year-old retired teacher was jogging in her Ashton neighborhood when she was attacked by three pit bulls. Her husband happened to be riding by … Continue reading State declines to prosecute pit bull owner following attack
Tag Archives: pain and suffering
Dog bites higher in Illinois than other states
In 2013, Illinois ranked second in the United States for most dog-bite claims. In 2013, nearly $9 million was paid in relation to injuries caused by dog bites, according to a survey by State Farm Insurance. The only state that paid more was California, with approximately $14.7 million paid. Although the survey did not include … Continue reading Dog bites higher in Illinois than other states
Dog bite involving child leads to charges for owner
The owner of an Australian Shepherd in another state has been charged in connection with a dog bite incident. The dog allegedly bit an 8-year-old girl as she got off the school bus. The woman who owns the dog faces several charges, including harboring a dangerous dog, a dog license violation and confinement of dogs. … Continue reading Dog bite involving child leads to charges for owner
National Dog Bite Prevention Week Begins May 18
National Dog Bite Prevention Week kicks off on May 18. It is hoped that National Dog Bite Prevention Week will help inform and educate dog owners about the responsibilities that come with owning a dog. Experts suggest a number of dog bite prevention tips for pet owners in Cook County and around the country. Play … Continue reading National Dog Bite Prevention Week Begins May 18
Illinois wife files lawsuit over husband’s wrongful death by swan
An Illinois woman has filed a wrongful death lawsuit after losing her husband in a bizarre animal attack. Her husband was brutally attacked by a swan while on a kayak in a pond at a Des Plaines condo complex. The man, who died in April 2012, was responsible for taking care of the pair of … Continue reading Illinois wife files lawsuit over husband’s wrongful death by swan
Dog bite involving a child in neighboring state to Illinois
A 9-year-old boy from East Chicago, Indiana — just a few hours from Illinois — was recently attacked and bitten by a 5-year-old pitbull as he walked from his home to a nearby community center. Police in East Chicago state that the dog’s owner issued a statement saying that the dog was secured in the … Continue reading Dog bite involving a child in neighboring state to Illinois