What is one of the most important elements of a Chicago motor vehicle accident? If you said evidence, then you are correct. Without evidence, you may fall short in your efforts to make a successful claim.
Documenting a motor vehicle accident is an excellent way to gather this evidence. If you are seriously injured and you are able, ask someone to document the accident for you. The steps below provide an effective guideline for documenting motor vehicle accidents.
Written documentation: Even just jotting down a few notes can help your case. Write down who was driving, your destination, the road conditions, your speed and any other details you can think of. Try to take notes about what led to the accident as well. It is also important to get witness information and to collect information about the other driver.
Photo documentation: Smartphones really come in handy for this step. If you do not have one, make sure to keep a disposable camera in your car. Take pictures of everything such as damage (inside and out) to all involved vehicles, the scene of the accident, any nearby landmarks and vehicle license plates. It is also beneficial to capture the photos from different angles.
Third-party documentation: Hold on to all documents you acquire related to the motor vehicle accident. This includes letters from the insurance companies, tow bills, rental car documents, repair estimates, and of course, all bills and documentation related to the treatment you receive for your injuries.
When you have documentation, it aids in making an insurance claim and provides you with a strong foundation if you decide to file a personal injury lawsuit. Please consider talking with a lawyer if you need additional information about motor vehicle accidents in the Chicago area.
Source: resqme.com, “How to Document Your Car Accident in 4 Quick Steps,” accessed April 18, 2017